A market access study aims to prove the clinical and economic value of a new drug or medical technology to its various stakeholders in the marketplace, including opinion leaders, healthcare professionals, decision makers, and payers. It is about devising a strong market strategy to enable faster roll-out of the new drug or technology into the hands of patients and healthcare workers.
In the old days, market access for a medicine was determined by its efficacy and safety. And while those factors continue to play a key role, today more focus is paid towards healthcare outcomes and resource optimization. Pharmaceutical companies need to show evidence of how a new drug can help improve patient outcomes, reduce the burden of the healthcare system, and justify its price. As a result, manufacturers need to invest in a stronger marketing strategy that validates their product’s value proposition to the decision makers.
At Erevna Healthcare Market Research, our Market Access services include:
Strategic market access
Landscape assessments
Payer and KOL engagement
Value proposition optimization
Evidence generation
Pricing & Reimbursement strategy